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The well being of all of us


"The well being of the poor and dispossessed determines the well being of all of us."

- Rev E. West McNeill (Testimony at the #MoralAssembly2022 on Saturday June 18, 2022.

Moral Assembly 2022

June 18 2022 was a powerful day of declaration! Tens of thousands of poor and low income people gathered in this nation's capital to sing, cry, testify, and recommit to this movement to end poverty and its interlocking injustices. If you didn't get a chance to join us either in-person or virtually, you can still catch the program and all the testifiers here.

Expanding The Choir with Rev. Andrew Wilkes

We wanted to highlight an article from that features one of our board members, Rev. Andrew Wilkes, where he discusses why he joined us on June 18, 2022, and why he is committed to building this movement. In his own words, “Marching is not just for a moment but for a movement. Not just preaching to the choir, but expanding the choir. Building the kind of density that can exercise pressure in the fall, so that when people take office in January, they know we don’t only want to take pictures: We want to see the poetry of the campaign become the prose of law.”

Read the article here.

Beyond June 18 2022 - Join the NYS Poor People's Campaign Summer 2022 Open House!

Finally, we wanted to invite everyone to join the NYS Poor People's Campaign on Wednesday, June 22nd, at 6:30pm on Zoom for an Open House where leaders in the campaign will share reflections from June 18, discuss ways to get involved in your local committees, and chart the course to move Forward Together, Not One Step Back!

May the poetry of the campaign become the prose of law, Forward together,

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