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Take Action With Us! Sign-on to fully fund CUNY and tune into our press conference!

Writer's picture: Rev. E. West McNeillRev. E. West McNeill
"New York State's budget will be finalized in just a few weeks, and funding for our public higher education system is one of the critical issues hanging in the balance!" Rev. West McNeill

Labor Religion Coalition of NYS is in solidarity with United University Professions and Professional Staff Congress/CUNYin the demand to fully fund public higher education. If you are a faith or religious leader please consider, adding your name now to a sign-on letter calling on Gov. Hochul, Majority Leader Stewart-Cousins, and Speaker Heastie to fully fund SUNY and CUNY in the state budget!

Over the last few decades - just as the student body at CUNY and SUNY became more diverse - New York imposed austerity on our public colleges, universities and teaching hospitals. The result has been higher tuition, fewer faculty and support staff, and greater educational inequity.

We'll be delivering the sign-on letter and holding a press conference on Tuesday, March 15 at 10 am in West Capitol Park, Albany. Let us know if you can join us in person on Tuesday by replying to this email. The live-stream will be available on our Facebook Page. Please tune in and pass along this sign-on letter to your communities!



Labor Religion Coalition is located at 85 Chestnut St., Albany, NY 12210

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