We had an incredible virtual truth commission this past weekend, Labor Power and the 3rd Reconstruction! Thank you to all of the event's speakers, cultural workers, organizers, interpreters, partners, and to all of you who have consistently backed the important work of shifting the narrative by shifting the narrators.
Special shout out to all of our partner organizations! Trabajadores Agrícolas Unidos (TAU), Alianza Agrícola, Rochester & Genesee Valley Area Labor Federation, SEIU Local 200United, Starbucks Workers United, and the NYS Poor People’s Campaign.
We wanted to share a few follow-up items!
A recording of the event can be found on our website! At the moment we only have access to the English recording of the Truth Commission, our deepest apologies. All of our previous truth commissions and their respective reports can also be found here.
Check out some follow-up actions, events, and other important info from the truth commission including: the upcoming AFL-CIO organizer school, Starbucks organizing, and more! Visit linktr.ee/laborreligion
Help us spread the word about the truth commission by using our follow up digital toolkit
Finally, we hope you will #MeetUsInDC on June 18, 2022, at the Poor People's and Low Wage Workers Mass Assembly and Moral March on Washington!! There's still time to sign up to ride with us and/or sponsor a bus! For more information on how to join us and the NYS Poor People's Campaign visit nysppc.org. Want to know more about the March on Washington? We have included a longer description of this transformative event below and are happy to answer any questions you might have for you or your group!