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Check out LRC's recap of the 2023 New York State legislative session!


After a tumultuous few months, the New York State legislative session finally ended in late June. While there were several key victories, overall this session was marked by disagreements between the Governor’s office and the legislature, most notably over potential solutions to New York’s ongoing housing crisis, and a delayed budget that resulted in rollbacks to New York’s bail laws. To learn more about where LRC’s legislative priorities ended up this session, check out our latest blog post here. On a related note, the last few weeks have been tumultuous in their own way—from feeling the effects of an ongoing climate disaster in Canada to several damaging Supreme Court decisions, we recognize that this past month has been difficult for many. As we face these setbacks, opportunities to come together in community and solidarity—like at the Poor People's Campaign's Moral Poverty Action Congress mentioned below—become even more important. We hope you'll find ways to nurture and be nurtured by community this summer. Read on for opportunities to connect with LRC and our partners as we continue pushing forward our mission of building a powerful fusion movement in the statewide fight for social, racial, and economic justice. In solidarity, Rev. E. West McNeill Executive Director


Rev. Joe Paparone leads New York State delegation at the Poor People’s Campaign’s Moral Poverty Action Congress in Washington, D.C.

In June, Rev. Joe Paparone, Lead Organizer at LRC and Tri-chair of the New York State Poor People’s Campaign, joined the New York State delegation to the 2023 Poor People’s Campaign Moral Poverty Action Congress in Washington, D.C. Over the course of three days, the New York State delegation—and everyone else at the Congress—attended a plenary hosted by Bishop William J Barber II, visited members of the House of Representatives and Senate, and discussed their visions for the work that lays ahead. Check out our recap here for a more detailed report on each day of the 2023 Moral Poverty Action Congress and links to recordings from the week!

Help NY Caring Majority Build its Advocacy Agenda The NY Caring Majority—a movement of older adults, people with disabilities, home care workers, and family caregivers working to end the home care crisis in New York State—is working to create a multi-year plan and wants to hear from you! Take 5 minutes to fill out this quick survey, which will be used to create a long-term advocacy agenda to transform New York’s home care system! NY Caring Majority is hoping to hear from New Yorkers, whether you’re a home care recipient, family caregiver, nursing resident, home care worker, or service provider. Filling out this survey will help NY Caring Majority ensure that its advocacy agenda is rooted in the meaningful and impactful changes that New Yorkers are looking for.


Check out the following upcoming LRC-related events:

  • Monday, July 10, 7 pm, Getting Into Step: An Intro to the NYS Poor People’s Campaign: Join us as we discuss the history of the Poor People’s Campaign from 1968 to today, the strategies and structure of the campaign and their importance, and our local and statewide efforts. We will engage in conversation to identify ways we are all affected by the interlocking evils and explore ways we can work together to further our fight against these systems of oppression and lift from the bottom. Whether you don’t know much about the Poor People’s Campaign or have been with us for a while, join us on Zoom for this important conversation to move forward together. Register here to receive the call info.

  • Wednesday, July 19, 6-7 pm, Post-Session Healthcare Debrief: Join LRC and our partners for a conversation on how our healthcare justice priorities fared in the 2023 legislative session, what we learned about ourselves and our opponents, and how this informs the path forward for our organizing.

  • Rev. West McNeill is preaching in person at First Unitarian Universalist in Albany, New York on Sunday, July 23 at 10am (Zoom Link)!




Labor Religion Coalition is located at 85 Chestnut St., Albany, NY 12210

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