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Labor unions are a powerful and important force in social movement organizing in New York State. 1.66 million New Yorkers are union members, and their  collective power brings not only better wages, benefits and working conditions for members but also political clout that can push policies that benefit all poor and working class New Yorkers across the finish line. But while New York has the 2nd highest union density in the nation, only 1 in 5 NY workers is in a union, compared to over a third in the 1950s. Giving more workers the ability to unionize improves conditions for the working class as a whole. We know that building the moral fusion movement we need in New York requires a thriving labor union movement that is inseparably connected to the broader movement for social, economic and racial justice for all poor and working class New Yorkers.

The Labor-Religion Coalition works to cultivate solidarity and collaboration among labor unions, faith communities, the NYS Poor People’s Campaign, and other community partners.


Labor Religion Coalition is located at 85 Chestnut St., Albany, NY 12210

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