Braedon Welsh (They/Them)
On August 2, the Season of Non-violent Direct Action with the Poor People's Campaign: A National Call For Moral Revival continued with a mass march in Washington D.C. led by faith leaders and low-wage workers. Over 200 people participated in non-violent civil disobedience and were arrested, including Braedon. Below is a video of their testimony.
Braedon also participated on an action held on, Monday, July 26th, where people from all across New York State joined together in front of Sen. Schumer’s New York City with a simple question:, which side are you on, Senator? Are you on the side of democracy or autocracy?
Below is Braedon's testimony from that action.
The “Majority” Leader has been in office since January 3rd 1999, 7 months before I was even born. In that time, he managed to vote for the Authorization of Military Force in Afghanistan and Iraq. Two wars where soldiers who are younger than me, and weren't even born by 9/11, went to serve overseas. The Majority Leader was able to clear his conscience enough to vote for wars that have resulted in thousands of American deaths and hundreds of thousands of Afghani and Iraqi deaths, yet he seems to not have the resolve to keep the Senate in session long enough, nor seriously encourage his party, to vote to ensure that the right to vote is protected by federal law! In the face of the most serious attack on voting rights in generations, the Majority Leader is coy. The people provided a mandate last November, giving Senator Schumer's party the House, the Senate, and the presidency, and furthermore a majority of Americans support the protection and strengthening of Voting rights! If Senator Schumer cannot ensure the passage of these laws then he is a Majority Leader in name only, because if he allows the further degradation of voting rights in this nation he will be serving a right wing minority agenda, that he so publicly says he is against! So please stand with us as we demand Senator Schumer do his job, and if he can't, let us ensure he is never again elected to the US Senate.