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2024 Poor People's State of the State Report

 An updated assessment of the interlocking injustices of systemic racism, poverty, militarism and ecological devastation in New York State with moral and policy demands.

The New York State Poor People's Campaign's 2024 Poor People's State of the State Report builds on the first Poor People’s State of the State report, released last year, which conveyed the dire state of the 8.2 million poor and low-income New Yorkers and explored the interlocking injustices of poverty, systemic racism, militarism, and ecological devastation. 

Where last year’s report focused on facts, statistics, and testimonies from impacted people, this year’s report dives deeper into policies that could make meaningful and lasting changes. In many cases, our elected officials only partially addressed the needs of poor and low-income New Yorkers, and in many others, they completely failed, following instead the policy prescriptions of Wall Street and the wealthy real estate sector.

Additionally, the 2024 report explores how the New York State government could address the numerous ongoing crises of discriminatory policing, poverty wages, unaffordable housing, out-of-control military spending, and environmental degradation.  It highlights proposed legislation and campaigns that could make lasting and meaningful changes for the 43 percent of New Yorkers who are poor or low-income. 


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